Introductory meeting Binger FilmLAB

18.00 – Introductory meeting at the Binger FilmLAB Amsterdam

Before the meeting, I prepared some questions and read the film projects once again.

I took the car because of bad experiences with the public transport. The weather was bright and the sun was shining. I opened up my sunroof and did really enjoyed it. When I arrived in Amsterdam I almost took the wrong road into the dark subway. My car navigation says 5 minutes left to destination. Then again I was confused which road I should take because of the split way and the navigation didn’t helped, it was 17.45. So unluckily I got into the wrong side and took the long subway heading north side of Amsterdam. I drove like 10 minutes and then find my way back. When I arrived at destination I was a bit surprised that it was right in the centre of Amsterdam, I could have taken the train. So I parked my car in the underground parking lot. I was like 😮 5 euro’s per hour?

Then I walked in the street, it is a very long main street. With one hand the address note and other hand my cell phone looking here and there. Next to me were 3 girls chatting, enjoying from the sun, then they asked whether they could help me. They were so helpful. I think the sunny weather makes people happy or at least sends out positive energy. When I entered the Binger FilmLAB I took the stairway to the 2nd level instead of the elevator, more people should do this. You know, daily exercises is the best way to keep fit rather than a diet or trying all kinds of rare methods. I have heard of products like Herbal Life, a liquid diet which you take instead of breakfast or lunch, even electronic machines using beames, vibrating and heat to loose weight and fat. It says so, but ya why not trying to be more active in your daily living. Plus it is free of charge 😀

My first impression of the Filmlab, it is well secured. I noticed that the entries are locked. I called my contact person and she opened the door for me and after an introducing round we talked about the stories and the background. In the meeting room there were the other 2 participants, people from the production company, filmmakers/directors and the festival director. One of the filmmaker was Yan Ting Yeung, from Hong kong, she brought a box of  ‘Sweatheart cake’, a traditional Chinese pastry with flaky and thin skin made with winter melon, almond paste, sesame and pork lard, spiced with five spice powder. Although these were far from the Sweatheart cakes in Hong Kong – Yuen Long district, I definitely enjoyed!

Later we divided in groups and actually started the film project. The DEADLINE is 14th of May. Then everything have to be completed, filming and editing. The film will be shown in the Ketelhuis in Amseterdam and other cities depending on the tour. Now I need to make the planning and finish the storyline + script this week, wait a minute, I need to sign the contract! So, enough to keep me busy right 😉

It was around 20.00 when I left the building, I went to the parking lot and wondering how much I need to pay for the ride out. 12 euro’s, tadaa! Suppose to be normal in Amsterdam 😉  On the way back I stopped next to a Police motor, I think he was busy chatting with a girl so I drove further. Then he drove by and ask me whether if I had something to ask. Then I repeated; ‘Yeah, I need to go to Westerpark, but my navigation is not working’ :p  Trying to make good use of the government service which I paid for. (received a speeding ticket recently :P) So he escorted me to the right direction and I put on the music and drove behind the Police motorbike. I ordered some Chinese food rice with vegetables along with crispy chicken wings and then came home and had my diner with my hungry sister.